Sunday, 4 December 2011

Market day

Today, we were told was a big market day in 3 surrounding towns. One had list if locals and a selection of handicrafts, another filigree jewelry and the 3rd we would be able to see Panama hats being made (this for reasons still unknown to me being the region that makes them) (We are still in Ecuador.)

So we get to the first town, buy a cheese empenada (should have been called super dry mystery fluffy cake that tastes a bit like cheese smells wrapped in dry tortilla like bread) and walk to the first market. Lots of fruit, veggies, locals.... But no handicrafts and not in any discernible way of note.

On to market number 2! Where it's not a market so much as every single store around the main plaza, bar one with ice cream, sells jewelry. Ranging from $125 gold ones to $2 "gold" ones.

Market number 3! Panama hat time! After befriending a little old lady on the bus (who, 10 minutes after I said we were from Canada, remarked "that's north of the USA, right?" which, that she even knew that, was impressive) said she knew a place with panama hats and would snow us. It was closed. We said gracias for trying and adios.

We wandered through town (bought a cheese empenada, more bread than cheese but no weird cake) and then headed back to the bus station. On our way we stopped by a little store selling handicrafts an panama hats. Upon inquiring we found out that the stores that demonstrate hat making are closed on Sunday. If we liked we could take 2 buses to another town where he knew they were open.... We declined.

Tourist information AND lonely planet, you failed us. Currently consoling ourselves with memories of the beautiful vistas, cute old ladies, a pair of earrings and now back in Cuenca, a cappuccino.

Panama hats! In their unfinished forms.

Panama hats I can turn into Christmas tree decorations. And cappuccino.

Location:Cuenca, Ecuador

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