Monday 2 January 2012

Into the earth

We took a 4 hour bus trip on terrible roads to get to Tierradentro. (Tierra = earth/dirt adentro = ahead/inside)

It was worth it. The next day we hiked uphill for 2 hours and got the above view. Also worth it.

Doesn't look like much...

But it is! There are hundreds of these caves in the surrounding area and they have floor to ceiling paintings in red and black.

Also,amazing statues.


Sort of near by (but not really because mountains make everything far away) is a huge collection of these guys.

They have a pretty sweet view from here.

We went into maybe 25 different caves. Originally I believe they were under houses and contained urns with the bones of dead family members.

Down into the dark... A little creepy.

But always worth it. Look at that face!

Location:Tierradentro, Columbia

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